The Seek: Learning to Tarry

the Cycle of Overflow:

  • The cycle of overflow begins with a need, which leads to seeking.

  • “A year of overflow will require more effective seeking.” -Pastor Michael

  • Today’s Goal: Equip you with a strategy for seeking that is proactive rather than passive.

Read Matthew 26:36-46

The Importance of daily Secret Place:

DAILY SECRET PLACE | Five More Minutes

When we set apart time and space to meet with God, Holy Spirit responds to our expectancy with His presence. When we make the secret place our priority, we become the place where Heaven touches Earth.

  • Seeking happens primarily in the Secret Place—a daily time and space to meet with God.

    • If you make time with God a priority, it builds intimacy with Jesus and develops you spiritually.

  • Daily Discipline:

    • Just like physical training builds strength, daily engagement in the Secret Place builds spiritual strength.

3 Components of the Secret Place:

  1. Prayer

  2. Adoration

  3. Word

Tarrying: Key to Intimacy with JESUS

  • The Lord's Invitation:

    • Jesus asked His closest disciples to tarry with Him (Matthew 26:40).

    • Tarrying with Jesus means to:

      • Not to leave Jesus

      • Remain in unbroken fellowship with Jesus

      • Be present with Jesus

What happens when we tarry with Jesus:

  1. Build Intimacy: Jesus desires to reveal Himself and His heart to us when we tarry in His presence.

  2. Build Trust: Through tarrying, Jesus shares His burdens and trust us with His heart

  3. Preparation:

    • Tarrying prepares us for the trials ahead

    • Tarrying in the Spirit strengthens us for what is to come

Exposing The Strategy of the Enemy:

I am afraid that your minds will be corrupted and that you will abandon your full and pure devotion to Christ—in the same way that Eve was deceived by the snake's clever lies. 2 Corinthians 11:3

  • Enemy’s Tactics:

    • The enemy seeks to corrupt our minds (e.g., distractions like social media) and reduce our devotion to Christ.

    • We resort to the Quick Fix: We often seek quick solutions and avoid the discipline of tarrying.

  • Solution:

    • Learn to tarry, giving God time and attention, despite distractions.

5 Tips to Train in Tarrying:

  1. Fast Social Media

    • Avoid distractions (e.g., short videos, reels) that fry your brain.

  2. Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry

    • Practice slowness—take the longest checkout line, drive in the slow lane, leave margin for thinking and prayer.

  3. Set Apart Time

    • Create margin to sit with God (e.g., wake up early, stay up late, create silent moments with God).

    • Engage in 5 More Minutes

    • Commit to tarrying for 5 more minutes in the Secret Place

  4. See Secret Place as a time for Spiritual Training

    • Engage in rhythms of prayer, adoration, and reading of the Word.

      • Tongues (Jude 1:20)

      • Adoration

      • Intercession

      • Requests

    • Don’t rush through secret place time—build endurance and relationship with God during this time.

    • Start small and build your prayer, reading and worship stamina over time.

  5. Take your EG Connect Assessment

    • Membership and Discipleship here at EG

    • Take the assessment, make your appointment, implement your ministry plan.

Ministry Moment:

Exodus 33:7-11: The Tent of Meeting

7 Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp some distance away, calling it the “tent of meeting.” Anyone inquiring of the Lord would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp. 8 And whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people rose and stood at the entrances to their tents, watching Moses until he entered the tent. 9 As Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance, while the Lord spoke with Moses. 10 Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they all stood and worshiped, each at the entrance to their tent. 11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent. (departed not out of the tabernacle KJV) 

Pray Daily: May we be like Joshua. 

  • Teach us to LOVE Your presence 

  • May we tarry in Your presence

  • May we not depart Your presence 

  • May we remain in unbroken fellowship with You

Resources for Going Deeper:





REVELATION || Sons of God the Father


Overflow: The Widow of Zarephath